"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind... We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith." -- Margaret D. Nadauld

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Random Facts

It seems that right now everying is doing a post titled Random Facts About Me -- you list 17 things (a very random number) that people don't know about you. I have been tagged a couple times to do this. When I sit down to think of that many things about me I draw a blank. I'm quite boring and not very cool. It's sad really.

My wonderful friend, Thorkgal -- who I've known and crafted with for 10 years (can you believe it?!?!) -- took pity on my sad life and did "Random Facts about Valerie."

1. I like chocolate
2. I like peanut butter
3. Putting 1 and 2 together is simply heaven.
4. I have a husband that treats me like a queen.
5. I am honored to be a mother and wish I had a dozen kids!
6. I like crafting but it sometimes take me forever to
complete a project. I'm getting better though. :)
7. Do I have to explain my email address -- smellychelli --
or is it self explanatory???
(Now Thork.... you only assume this about me. You don't really know!)
I'd just like to say, thanks Thork for doing all the work for me!! I will now cross the "Random List" off the posts that were hanging over my head.


thorkgal said...

I suppose you will post the next twelve random facts... when I get around to it. ;) I'm glad to relieve your conscience... what are friends for.
TEN YEARS? Amazing!!!

Yvonne said...

It's great to have friends that know you so well, eh???

Wees said...

You should have your friends list ALL of your random facts and see what you come up with!