Thursday, July 30, 2009
You Just Thought You Knew Vocabulary!
Friday, July 24, 2009
A 1.5 Hour Drive That Took 12 Hours
Well, she hasn't. (Hard to believe, isn't it?)
This is where we go cross-country skiing every winter. And, believe it or not, I haven't never stopped to see what it looks like in the summer. I've only seen it covered with snow. It's just as gorgeous thawed out as it is frozen!!
Finally we made it to Large Watering Place. It's been years since I've been there. Okay...The last time I was there it was winter and we were on snowmobiles. Again, I was thrilled with the thawed-out beauty.
I am always talking about the cabin my parents are building, so I felt like it was only fair if I take her there. And if we're going to the cabin, then we have to go to the two lakes that are there! Edge and Splash Lake which we had to dip our feet into! (It's not easy trying to come up with new names for all these places!)
Last summer we took Inigo to the "crooked cabin" and he's been fascinated with it ever since. That was the one place he insisted we take Steck. (There was an earthquake in the area 50 years ago and this is one of the buildings that was damaged.)
We were exhausted, but happy. I love spending time in the mountains and this trip was especially fulfilling because the scenery was so stunning. We saw Pronghorn Antelope, soaring hawks and even a muskrat at Large Watering Place.
There were gorgeous wild flowers at every turn.
We couldn't have asked for a better day!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
This summer has been unique. It seems that I've had more to do than ever before. Max's new career choice means he's on the road travelling more than he's home. That means that I'm both mom and dad. I'm in charge of the house inside and out. I've taken over all of Max's chores and added them to my own. Also, I have also started working in Max's local office part time as the A/P clerk (accounts payable). I am also trying very hard to make the summer days special for my kids. I want them to look back and say, "Man! I used to love summer vacation! There were so many fun things to do!"
I know that there are a lot of women out there that are doing this already and they are doing it better than I am. I realize that my situation is not unique... heck, it's not even special. But to me, it's new and I'm trying to adjust to it. I'm trying to find the balance between what has to be done versus what can wait until there's more time.
Fortunately, the kids are winning. I think we've had a lot of fun this summer and made a lot of memories. Unfortunately, the house is losing. The laundry is piling up, the dishes are making it to the dishwasher, but there are still many that need to be hand washed. I need to reintroduce myself to my vacuum.
Buttercup has taken on the chore of getting the lawn mowed, but neither of us know how to run the weed whacker or the leaf blower (both help the lawn look really nice!) Thankfully, there was so much rain during the month of June, I haven't had to chase sprinklers much this summer, because we are the only house in the neighborhood -- probably the whole town of Florin -- that doesn't have a sprinkler system. I didn't buy even one pony pack of flowers this year. The only flowers that are blooming are perennials... or weeds.
Thankfully, I am blessed with the ability to be optimistic. For me, most days are viewed through "rose colored glasses." However, I have also had moments of despair. Moments of thinking, "what in the heck are we doing?" as I go to bed alone... again. I have had moments of feeling completely and totally overwhelmed. My prayers have been, "Please give me the strength to endure."
Don't get me wrong. Not every day is filled with negative feelings and despair. I have enjoyed many wonderful visits this summer with family and friends. I have reconnected with people that I love that I haven't seen in years. And it's been wonderful. I have felt rejuvenated by the love I feel from my kids; my parents and siblings; my neighbors. It's not all bad. Really it isn't.
And I had proof again this week that life is good:
Buttercup went on a vacation this week. Alone. Without me. Without Max. Without Inigo. I put my baby girl on an airplane all by herself and sent her to Oregon to visit Max's sister.
**Disclaimer: Okay!! I know my "baby girl" is 17 years old!! But this is the first time she's gone away without us! I'm trying to adjust!!
After we dropped her off at the airport and as I was saying goodbye to Max as he was going off on yet another business trip I realized that I was going to be the lawn mowing person this week. I seriously hate mowing the lawn. I was dreading it and planned on putting it off until late in the week... as long as I could possibly go.
Imagine my surprise when I got out of the shower on Tuesday and I could hear a lawn mower in my back yard. At first I thought it was just the neighbors mowing their yard, but it finally dawned on me they were mowing my yard!! I didn't ask them to. Max didn't ask them to. I didn't tell them that I didn't want to mow this week. Maddle Faddle (age 17) just had the impression that she could just keep mowing my yard after she finished hers! And she mowed the entire yard!! Her mom, Jillwanna, (age not disclosed) followed behind with the leaf blower.
WHAT A BLESSING!!! (And my yard looks wonderful!! THANKS GUYS!!!!)
Today something incredibly nice happened. Maybe you've had a similar experience, but for me it was a first!
I took Inigo and his friend, Bullseye, to Guilder to go to the Museum. To make the day even more "special" for the two of them, we decided to get lunch at McDonalds. Moving slowly through the drive-thru, we were laughing and talking about the cool Titanic exhibit we were going to see. I placed my order and moved forward to pay the bill.
When I arrived at the window, I tried handing the clerk a $10 bill. She looked at me and smiled and said, "The lady in front of you already paid."
Seriously, that's what I said. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "She already paid. You can move forward."
I have heard of things like this happening. I have even thought about doing it myself. But I've never followed through with it. I can tell you that I will follow through the next time the prompting hits me. I'd love for someone else to feel as special as I did. I'd love to be as nonchalant as that lady was... I kept yelling "THANK YOU" out my window, but she pretended not to hear me for a long time. Finally she just gave me a wave and drove off.
Isn't that wonderful?
And what's even more wonderful is that I was reminded that I'm not alone. Even though I don't have Max with me as much as I'd like, I have the companionship of someone else that loves me. Someone who loves me just as much, if not more than anyone else.
I'll put my "rose colored glasses" back on now!
Friday, July 17, 2009
If Your House Has Kitchen...
Background: When Buttercup was younger and thinking about driving, we told her she needed to finish half of her values in Personal Progress in order to get her licence. We thought that if we got her half-way there, she would be self motivated enough to finish up and get her YW medallion.
WRONG!!! It didn't happen.
Now she is getting ready to start her senior year of High School, she's one year away from turning 18 and she still needs to finish 2 value projects. Time is ticking away faster than she realizes and we realized we needed to light the motivational fire underneath her once more. Using the car as a driving force (yes, the pun was intended) we are encouraging her to get her rear in gear (ha!) and get it done. We have taken away her driving privileges until she has finished these two remaining values.
One of her projects is gathering recipes from family and friends and putting them together in a book for her use when she leaves home... (mom is still in denial about that one!) She is looking for recipes for everything: main meals, salads, breads, desserts. I told her I would help her this little bit by putting a call out on my blog and asking my readers to submit their favorite recipes in those categories... or other categories if you wish!
You can leave the recipe here as a comment or email us or leave it on Facebook. She appreciates it and I would appreciate having her driving privileges back.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Because Wuv... Twoo Wuv...
It's called Love.
Or as the local clergyman says, "Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togever today. Mawage, that bwessed awangement, that dweam wiffin a dweam...."
Sitting upstairs, on my kitchen counter are 6 wedding invitations. All are taking place in the next two weeks. (A 7th invitation will be coming for the end of August.) All weddings are for good friends, or former YW. People I know and love. People that I can't just brush off and say, "oh well, they just invited us because we're on the ward list, so we don't really have to go."
I love to go to receptions. It's fun seeing the bride and groom, seeing the love and happiness that is theirs for that day. I love reconnecting with my former Beehives and Mia Maids, rejoicing in the good choices they have made to marry in the Temple. I always feel that somehow I might have played a small part in getting them there.
But 6 in the next two weeks? That's a lot of silver wrapping paper!
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
I heard an amazing story the other day. I'm sure I'm the only person in the world that is fascinated by this, but I'm going to tell it anyway:
A lady in my ward was pregnant and due in 4 weeks. She went into premature labor and -- no joke -- from start to finish, delivered her baby in 1/2 hour. No typo... HALF AN HOUR!!! The hospital is in the middle of my ward boundaries and she lived only a one minute drive away, but she was alone and with the baby coming that fast, she couldn't get herself there. She delivered her own baby, alone, in the bathroom of her apartment. AND (as if the story wasn't already compelling) the baby was BREECH!! AND (yes, there's more!) the baby weighed 6lbs 6oz!!! Here's some perspective: Buttercup was 11 days overdue and weighed 6.8.
(I think my eyes bugged out of my head as I listened to her tell the story. This is the kind of thing you watch on TLC or Discovery Channel. I mentioned that to her and she agreed.)
Fortunately, the baby is okay. He is being kept in the hospital until he starts eating better, but they aren't expecting any lasting complications.
* * * * * * * * * * *
The other day Inigo had a friend over. This friend, Bullseye, is one of his best friends. Together they rid the neighborhood of every bad guy, villain, and miscreant they can find. Not to mention, using the Force to defend the Jedi's against Scith warriors. Anything they get their hands on turns immediately into weapons. Typical 6 year old boys.
Inigo and Bullseye came to me, handed me two pieces of paper each and said, "We want to make a tool belt." I believe in encouraging creativity, so I cut the paper into strips, handed them a stapler and said, "Get busy!" "But mom, we want to have pockets on it." Honestly, for the 60 seconds I spent thinking about it, I couldn't come up with a way to make pockets for the tool belt. I was busy working on a slide show of camp for the YW, and felt like my brain was taxed to the limit. I shooed them away and said, "Figure it out."
I could hear them working and being happy but I was busy with my slide show and wasn't paying too much attention to them. I was so surprised when they came and showed me what they made:
How clever is that?
Well, the truth came out after I took the first pictures. It wasn't a tool belt they were creating. It was a weapon belt. They were on the prowl for finding appropriate weapons to fill it with. They had a squirt gun that was small/light enough that it wouldn't rip the paper, but they needed more. I suggested some Popsicle sticks to use as knives and got them some bendy straws as machine guns. They went in the yard and found great big pine cones to use as grenades. Their swords were big bubble wands.
Admittedly, the belts only lasted about 45 minutes, but it was 45 minutes of the best, imaginative play EVER!!
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Buttercup had her senior yearbook pictures taken last week. (It freaked me out just a little.) The photo shoot was at Florin University where they have some beautiful gardens to take amazing photos in, so I took my camera and took some pictures of our own while we were there. The plan is NOT to have to pay anyone to take professional senior pictures... I'm hoping I can just do them.
I am not going to put our favorite picture on here... in case it's the one we use for announcements, but here's a little sampling of some of the pictures we took. I need to work on Photoshop skills to enhance them a bit, but we feel somewhat happy with what we got.