"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind... We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith." -- Margaret D. Nadauld

Monday, March 2, 2009

I Can See Clearly Now!

Inigo BEFORE school today:

Inigo AFTER school today:

We had no idea he was going to look so different today.

Last week, on Thursday, his school did vision screening for the kindergarten. The screeners (optometrists) noticed that his right eye wasn't seeing well (20/70) and suggested that we take him for a complete eye exam.
I wasn't worried. Buttercup had an eye exam at the same age and the doctor (a quack) told us she was basically blind and that her glasses would eventually end up being as thick as coke bottles. This happened at the same time we were moving to Florin, so I made an appointment with our local eye doctor to continue with her treatment.
Imagine my surprise, when the doctor said her eyes were fine. All kids, he said, have a natural near sightedness and she was no different from anyone else.
He glasses went into her drawer and she has not needed correction since.
I thought Inigo would be the same.
Which is proof that your children are as different as can be from each other.
Inigo has a right eye that doesn't work and a left eye that is doing all of the work. The right eye is not as bad as the original screening said... only about 20/40, but still bad enough that it needs corrected.
So there you go!
Exam and glasses all in one day.
Just proves that each day can provide you with something new and exciting!


Yvonne said...

Indigo looks as cute as can be. Had he complained at all about having trouble reading or anything???


What a handsome young chap

sarah joelle said...

ah! i love the glasses! he looks so cute!

Unknown said...

He looks like a cross between Harry Potter and Ron Weasly. That's a compliment!

Sarah Miller said...

Yeah for another person joining the glasses club!! Well, I'm glad that they figured out while he was still young and it hadn't impacted too bad. He looks pretty darn good glasses!

Roger and Barbara said...

What a good looking dude! Hope he stays excited about wearing them!

ginger said...

your son is so handsome