You were probably a reader of my old blog where I willingly used the names we go by in the real world. And I didn't really hide our location.
Because of safety reasons, I decided to change that. I didn't really want to make the switch to private, so I thought I'd try making the switch to.... CODE NAMES!!!
That is not as easy as it sounds. How in the world do creative people come up with clever code names (i.e. Redhead Chrissy and Thorny)? I have thought about this for months. To be honest, I probably put too much time into it. I mean.... it's just a blog. It's not like it's fine literature or anything people are dying to read. So this is what I came up with:
When my hubby and I were dating, many moons ago, we watched Princess Bride something like a gazillion times. He was running Youth Conferences at an LDS junior college and watching a movie was one of the activities the kids participated in. This movie was the one that was chosen most of the time. Most couples have a song that defines them, their courtship and their relationship... we have this movie. So this is where I chose our code names from.
I will now introduce you to our family:
My husband will be called Miracle Max, but I'll probably just call him Max.